Global Missions Partners

‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:35-40

Serving is not something we do to check off a box, but rather it’s a lifestyle to adopt. Our goal and prayer is that serving in your community would be an integral part of your life.

CHURCH PLANT: Fairfield County, Connecticut

Fairfield County is Connecticut’s most densely populated county - located just outside of New York City, it is home to more than a million people. This also happens to be one of the least religious areas of the U.S. We are supporting Charlie & Leslie Welke as they plant a church with the mission and vision to reach the lost in a community that needs thriving churches. Launched in the fall of 2022, we are praying for God to move powerfully through their ministry.

Compassion International

Compassion International is a Christian child development organization dedicated to releasing children from poverty. Through sponsorship, children are able to participate in a church-based program that offers life-changing benefits that range from educational opportunities to health care.

Message of Life Ministries

The Crandall family has been working in Ecuador since April 1990 in the area of church planting and now leadership training.

Who: Bill Crandall

Mid India Christian Missions

Their Mission is to proclaim Jesus Christ throughout India and beyond.

Who: David and Sheela Lall

Glorieta Adventure Camps

Glorieta Adventure Camp's mission is to inspire Christ-like change through outdoor adventure, authentic relationships, and Biblical truth.

Kilgoris Project

The Kilgoris Project educates and cares for school-aged children in rural Kenya, partnering with the community to build rising futures.

Rainbow Connection II

Extend the love of Christ to Guatamalan children as they provide Christian based Education.

Who: Joy Gring

VIA Missions

We help churches, student ministries, and mission agencies across the globe to raise up, develop, and deploy their people to God’s global mission. We concentrate our efforts in the 50 green and multicolored countries, which have at least 1 million evangelical Christians who have strategic access to unreached people groups in the red and multicolored countries, because of their cultural or geographical closeness. The multicolored countries have some of the greatest opportunities, as they have millions of evangelical believers and millions of unreached people groups within their own borders. By God’s grace, we are actively sending teams and providing translated resources to these countries to help churches establish indigenous mission movements.


We empower local leaders in the hard places of Africa to establish churches among the unreached and under-engaged peoples for generations to come. After a 23-year civil war in Sudan in 2005, we started training church planters to reach unreached tribes and bring the good news of the gospel of Jesus to this land. As the local church expanded, so has the reach of our ministry. Today, we operate a church-planting bible school with multiple extension sites; Our footprint has grown to five countries; We’ve preserved through another civil war in South Sudan and served refugees; And we’re abiding in Christ and partnering with Him to continue to bring more churches, more restoration, and more of His peace to more of the unreached in the years to come.

Go Ministries

GO Ministries empowers local leaders to make disciples as God redeems people, renews communities and restores creation through mutual transformation in the Dominican Republic. GO Church Planting’s vision is to plant 1,000 churches in 10 years. Church Planting currently partners with pastors, church planters, and local leaders in more than 120 communities in the Dominican Republic. GO Medical treats around 950 patients a month at the Medical Center, located in the heart of the Hoya del Caimito neighborhood in Santiago. Dominican doctors, nurses, pharmacy technicians, and administrative staff provide patients with consistent, quality, affordable, Christ-centered healthcare.

Gideons International

The Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments.

God Behind Bars

God Behind Bars partners with local churches and other faith based-organizations to live stream dynamic, high-quality worship experiences into prisons. Wardens at the facilities offering these services say most of the inmates attend each week and that the program is changing the culture of their prisons.

Mike Silva International (MSI)

For over three decades Mike Silva International (MSI) has had the privilege of seeing cities transformed and hundreds of thousands of individuals put their faith in Jesus Christ through our festivals in the English, Portuguese, and Spanish-speaking countries of the world.

MSI is committed to practice and proclaim the life-changing message of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world’s most spiritually receptive people. The international team works tirelessly to accomplish:
  • Uniting the local church.
  • Igniting a city-wide prayer movement.
  • Mobilizing the church to work together to serve the community.
  • Equipping the church by conducting various conferences for pastors, leaders, women, children’s workers, and youth.
  • Providing evangelism and discipleship training to prepare the church for the harvest.
  • Saturating each city with the Hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Broadcasting each festival to the Spanish world through radio, television, and virtual platforms.

Lightening Tree

Church Planting in Jordan